I am still alive.
Given the bleak political situation in the US right now, it's been a little difficult to keep up the motivation. So, I guess there was a secret hiatus. Nonetheless, I've returned to work on the two projects and will work on the language pages going forwards. Hope to make some significant progress. With that, ciao.
I am back!
I have recently become more busy than before (Idk how that happens) as I have recently moved and doing a lot of work. Regardless, I have settled in and am working at getting back into the habit of writting daily. Hopefully progress will resume. Here's a quick little style update to show off. (Hennalin got a bit of a makeover) Don't worry the vibrance will be more deliberate than here (and in the game jam version)
I was initially thinking about the whether to have older updates at the bottom or at the top. Ultimately the old will be sent to the bottom. I have implemented the fonts for the Nalet's Park and have created menu music and a intro video. I am still writting the first act and story itself has expanded (horizontally), so the it looks like there will be multiple updates / builds to get it complete (it will make sense when the first built is released).
I have also started working on a new project to work on the screen and label coding (it is shaping up to be a puzzle game/visual novel combo thing). I have started to outline the story, characters, and world. It is a side project for the time being so the timeline is unclear at the moment.
Once again thanks for showing interest in my projects and coming to my website!
Hello! This will be the first public update about the progress of Nälet's Park. At the moment I have finished assembling the Menu UI and am working on the in-game UI. The first draft is coming along nicely (middle of Act I). Hopefully I'll have something presentable for a beta soon but that'll be months from now as music and CGs need to be produced (but they are limited by the needs of the script). Nonetheless progress is being made! Thanks for the interest!